Part 2: Units of Measure CA

In Lesson 2, we’ll cover the different ways we can measure radiation and the units it is measured in. TRANSCRIPTThe base for the unit of measurement used in this field is the rad, standing for Radiation Absorbed Dose, and it measures how much energy is absorbed...

Part 5.3: Rules Of Idaho’s Radiation Control Agency

The State of Idaho sets the following rules for your company. Your company must review its own compliance quarterly, an outside company must review your company’s compliance yearly (usually done by your x-ray supplier). And the IRCP (Idaho Radiation Control Program)...

Part 5.3: Rules Of Washington’s Radiation Control Department

The State of Washington mentions the following rules for your company.  No persons under 18 years of age can receive over 500 millirem per year.  Anyone who operates x-ray equipment before training must be in direct line of sight of a trained operator at all...

Part 6: Responsibilities of Employer & Employee

Your employer has certain responsibilities and these include first, Establishing a radiation protection program with a licensed organization. This will include:  • Optimizing work area to keep exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)  • Placing...

Part 5-5.2: Regulatory Agencies & Requirements

The two agencies which make the rules for radiation in the US are the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Part 5.1 – Radiation Protection Standards (NRC)  The NRC was founded for the more dangerous kind of...