Formulario de Contacto Clave

To streamline rollouts and reduce administrative load, we have grouped key functions into roles. By designating a person in your company responsible for those described on this form, we can get the right details, instructions, and specifications into the right hands quickly.
The form can be submitted without completing all fields, but we strongly urge you to complete them all; the same person can be responsible for multiple roles. Please complete within 2 business days if possible. Thank you and we look forward to assisting you!

If your company has multiple locations, please specify to prevent confusion.

Project Manager

Responsible for:
• Managing implementation and timeline of x-ray project
• Ordering x-ray units
• Final approvals
• Assigning key contacts per role descriptions

Supporting Documents: All

Production Champion

Typically the Production or Maintenance Lead, Supervisor, or Manager
Responsible for:
• Daily machine operation and product selection
• Power machine, start up and x-ray warm up
• Basic troubleshooting

Supporting Documents: Operations Package

Quality Champion

Responsible for:
• Machine detection validation
• Machine certifications and service history documentation
• Product setup and inspection threshold settings

Supporting Documents: Quality & Validation Package

Maintenance Champion

Typically the Maintenance Lead, Supervisor, or Manager
Responsible for:
• Machine maintenance and service scheduling
• Maintain INI backups
• Advance troubleshooting with remote technical support

Supporting Documents: Maintenance & Parts Package

Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)

Typically the Safety Supervisor or Manager Responsible for:
• Maintaining radiation safety standards and documentation
• Machine registration with state
• Radiation Safety Compliance & Training Compliance

Supporting Documents: Radiation Safety Package

IT/Network Champion

Responsible for:
• Setting static IP and network connection for machine
• Working with ABM IT to set up DSO Server
• Reporting automation and email

Supporting Documents: IT & Software Package

Training Champion

Responsible for:
• Scheduling machine operations, quality assurance and maintenance training
• Scheduling of new hire & recurring training

Supporting Documents: Training & Web Portal Package

Shipping & Receiving Champion

Typically the Warehouse or Logistics Manager
Responsible for:
• Receiving the x-ray units into plant and inspection of units
• Receiving and delivering any additional equipment or spare parts required for x-ray units

Supporting Documents: Shipment & Inspection Package

Accounts Payable Champion

Typically the Accounts Payable Lead, Supervisor, or Manager
Responsible for:
• Payment of any orders for the x-ray units such as spare parts, maintenance, emergency service, radiation surveys, trainings, etc.

Supporting Documents: Accounts Payable Package
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.